Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Beer me that ... beer?

Hiya, as the scots say in there adorable but incomprehensible accents. I've been in Edinburgh for 4 days now, walking through the charming streets full of little shops and cafes, wind messing up any attempt at hair control. I've only seen one kilt so far, but there are tons of pubs. I think I'm going to need to start appreciating beer. Yesterday on my way to class I saw a truck - a full sized truck - filled with kegs, which they were dropping off at different pubs. I went to one that was converted from the school library into a pub, which just shows you the mentality of this place. But seriously a very cool place with old books still on the walls and lit up in red.

I live in a dorm, which is very deserted and kind of lame and I'm regretting not having lived in a flat. I have to walk about 30 min to class, a time spent deciding which cafe to go to afterwards. My goal by the end of this semester is to be able to walk out of a coffee shop and say cheers without feeling like a phony. Today I went to Elephant House: the birthplace of Harry Potter, a huge sign advertises at the front. Besides being the place Jk Rowling wrote one of my favorite books, this cafe is really cute, filled with elephant decorations and delicious hot chocolate and cookies.

I haven't done much yet besides go to classes, which are interesting but unfortunately every day. I'm taking English Literature, Scottish Literature and Scottish Ethnology (if anyone knows what this is, please let me know). I'm going to visit Edinburgh castle this weekend though, so look out for a post on that, and I've decided that I should also watch Braveheart, since all my professors have referred to it in class as a complete scottish stereotype - sounds fun.


Kaitlin Kyi said...

Kilts are usually used as formal wear in Scotland, so that's probably why you haven't seen too many. I seriously don't know why I know that.

I love the post title...and you. Creepy? Don't care.

Anonymous said...

Please don't bring home a Scottish accent!

Maria said...

Please DO bring home a Scottish accent!

Kaitlin Kyi said...

Please bring home a Scottish man!

Anonymous said...

I hear Sean Connery is on the market...

Apolline said...

he's hot. and i'm sure Kait agrees :P

Macy said...

Kaitlin, you're an incredible cyber-swat and I love it.

Apolline, clearly... bring home a big burly Scot (perhaps that notion stems from my stereotypical image of a Scottish man... probably propagated by Braveheart)

And yes, you should watch it.

Aurora said...

that´s how libraries are supposed to be... full of beer.

you know, to my taste.

also i agree with everything posted above. except with what matt says (as always)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey, see if you can find some mead there.