Saturday, December 20, 2008

Notre-Dame? Notre-Damn!

From the Plane to Parisian Apartment:

6: 00 pm -- Somewhere over Canada, Aurora is informed that she has left her wallet in Chicago.

6:30 pm -- The passengers of flight AA42 Chicago to Paris enjoy the movie, Journey to the Center of the Earth (first without headphones to test Brandon Frasier's acting abilities. He passed the test. Headphones on.)

6:35 pm -- Aurora doesn't eat because somebody didn't note that she is a vegetarian. (Thanks Apolline, thanks)

8:30 am -- We arrive in Paris.

8:50 am -- We realize and curse the hellish size of our luggage (2 fully stuffed bags each= 6 bags. One of which could include 2 corpses)

9:00 am -- We begin our adventure to Paris. Mission # 1 finding the RER (said way weirder in French)

9:20 am -- We find the RER, we buy tickets, we pass through the gates without the tickets-- we didn't need the tickets.

9:30 am -- The train arrives.

9:45 am -- Manage to get all of our "crap" into the train. Manage to annoy, and amuse the natives.

10:40 am -- Train arrives at Gare du Nord. Need to change trains. Try to find all of the elevators- there are none.

10:47 am -- Where's the next train? Tourists ask Maria and Aurora how to get to le blablaladha. Aurora and Maria don't know. Apolline has disappeared. The others fear the worst.

11:05 am -- Train arrives. Apolline, fearing the native's glances, breaks Maria's luggage in an effort to get the "crap" on board quickly. Convulsions of laughter are witnessed in the train. People question our sanity.

11:30 am -- Arrive at the station Saint-Michel. Aurora almost kills a native by hurling her luggage out of the train because we have 2 minutes to get 5 monsters out of the train (math sucks)

11:35 am -- Apolline suceeds in finding an escalator and in riding it with a huge bag.

11:35:15 am -- Maria fails at riding the escalator. See video for recap, if Maria were an old man with no luggage.

11:35:17 am -- Maria tries, but fails again

11:40 am -- Look for more escalators or elevators, oh no, only stairs. One by one, we carry those beasts up 2 flights of stairs. Breaking our backs and our souls in the process.

12:00 am -- First site of Notre-Dame; couldn't care less. Aurora, Maria and Apolline learn to "not know how to speak English" -- this ability requires giving money.

12:15 am -- Aurora almost gives up- others talk her through the hard times.

12:37 am -- Maria rolls through poop. Gross.

12:45 am -- Arrive at building. Leave bags in lobby, we just don't care. Contemplate burning all material objects, but fall asleep while deciding.

Time to start finishing finals...


Kaitlin Kyi said...

Ha, I miss you guys and your antics immeasurably. Also, I just shouted out the title of your post in my favorite impersonation of Jeremiah Wright. Rock on.

Macy said...

Haha! Amazing as always - what a lovely time line of adventures. My whole family is officially annoyed at my laughing at things they cannot understand. So fun.

Can't wait to hear more of your travels - we're currently putting up our xmas tree which somehow involves high tension metal's going to be an interesting christmas.

Way to go ladies - are those finals completed?!

Apolline said...


Unknown said...

한글이 되는지 모르겠다만 일단 한 번 한글로 써보자.
잘 지내고 있냐? 엄마가 금방 네 전화받았다고 전화했네. 집안 사정은 엄마한테 대충 들었을 테고... 아빠도 한 학기 간신히 끝내고 있다. 일단 성적은 다 냈다만, 그래도 할 일이 좀 남았고... 이제 연구하고 미국갈 준비 좀 해야 할 듯..
어쨌든, 늘 건강조심하고 즐겁게 지내라. 보고 싶구나.

Ark said...

<3 that video

Anonymous said...

aw this blog is great already. poor maria :( hope all is well!

Marie Eve said...

Almost p. in my pants while sitting reading. Got serious questions from Michel wondering about my health (confused giggles with hiccups)

Ark said...

u ppl need to start posting.

fatherkozar said...

Good Lord, girls, you're more entertaining than anything on a flatscreen. I'm convinced there's a sitcom in your futures if you get the right guy to pitch it (that's not an offer).

Let me get this straight: Luggage hernias in Paris, mudslides in Scotland, and "airth-quacks" in Costa Rica. And you've only been gone weeks. Imagine what's in store--for you and your 'rents.

To one and all, fare thee well on your Great Adventures, and keep us flatlanders apprised of your antics.